Home Assistant 2 Excel ====================== .. contents:: :depth: 1 :local: Getting Started --------------- Usage is super simple. 1. Install homeassistant2xlsx .. code:: bash pip3 install homeassistant2xlsx 2. Create a Excel Workbook with any number of sheets. Add any Home Assistant entity name as comment of the **first** row, ``sensor.gas`` for example. Home Assistant stores entities as string by default. Optionally, append ``|int`` or ``|float`` for a corresponding conversion. ``sensor.gas|int`` or ``sensor.gas|float`` for example. .. image:: static/spreadsheet1.png The comments (aka entity names) ``date``, ``time`` or ``datetime`` provide the corresponding timestamps. 3. Go to your Home Assistant instance and create a Long-Live API Token. 4. Run ``homeassistant2xlsx`` .. code:: bash homeassistant2xlsx --host localhost --token YOUR_API_TOKEN my.xlsx Command Line Interface ---------------------- .. literalinclude:: static/cli.txt :language: text Programming Interface --------------------- .. automodule:: homeassistant2xlsx :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Links ----- - `PyPI - Python Package Index `_ - `Source Code `_ - `Issues `_